Due to excessive forum spam and other kinds of abuse, a member registered on or after January 1, 2006 cannot post if his or her forum account is associated with a non-validated email address or with an email address provided by a free email provider (such as Hotmail or Yahoo). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Remark: Ever since this restriction was imposed, there has been no spam and practically no abuse on our forums, so most users benefit from it.
If you wish to post, you will need to associate your forum account with a validated non-free email address; for example, with an email address provided by your ISP (internet service provider), school, or employer. Note that your e-mail address is never publicly displayed (logged in members cannot see it either). In order to validate an email address, an email needs to be sent to the email address from this server. The email will contain an activation link, which you will need to click to validate the email address.
If you haven't received an email with an activation link from us, you can have it sent to the email address currently associated with your forum account (xxxx@xxxxxx.com) by clicking this link.
If you need to associate a different email address with your forum account and have a new activation link emailed to the address, just change your email address via the profile page. After you do so, an email will be automatically sent to the newly supplied email address (usually within a few minutes; however, depending on your email provider, it may take up to several hours before you receive it). The email will contain an activation link, which you will need to click to validate the email address.
Note: In the meantime, it may be a good idea to search the forums to find out whether your topic has already been discussed (if you have a problem with TrueCrypt, you might find a solution by searching one of the Problems forums).
Visitano il forum: Nessuno e 2 ospiti
megalab.it: testata telematica quotidiana registrata al Tribunale di Cosenza n. 22/09 del 13.08.2009, editore Master New Media S.r.l.; © Copyright 2008 Master New Media S.r.l. a socio unico - P.I. 02947530784. GRUPPO EDIZIONI MASTER Spa Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per la pubblicità: Master Advertising